#233 – “Self-esteem and self image are developed by how we talk to ourselves.” Self Esteem – Second Edition. Matthew McKay, Ph.D & Patrick Fanning

Here are some ways to stop your inner critic from sabotaging you and hurting your self esteem. Catch your inner critic in the act, try to figure out if it’s being helpful or hurtful, and if it’s being hurtful, talk back as in “stop that right now.” Research indicates that to change behavior, it is more effective to stop telling yourself negative things than to just tell yourself positive things.

Incidentally, it takes around 21 days to change a bad habit.

About sand1

When I was young, I made a lot of bad choices. The only way I knew to dig myself and my family out was to go to the library, always hoping that the next book I read would change my life and thankfully, often many of them did. Out of gratitude for the happy life I have now, I decided to share what I have learned, and continue to learn. I hope that Tuesday Tips helps you as much as they have helped and continue to help me. Sand
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